SL Events: Tell Your Second Life

Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2009 00:49:38 -0800
From: Jenaia Morane <>
Subject: [SLED] Tell Your Second Life

*Bring Your Stories to Life:
*Free story writing class and feedback sessionsstarting on Karuna
How many times have you thought about writing down the amazing events inyour life? Now is your chance to jumpstart the process and get feedback on your work through a new class being offered FREE of charge. Written byJenaia Morane (a professional writer, educator, and founder of The VirtualWorlds Story Project <> in SL), the class consists ofseven, self-paced lessons which include easy to follow instructions on how to craft and fine tune a story. Writing exercises that allow you topractice the skills covered in the class are included as well. The lessons are available as either notecards (inworld) or via a free online classroomknown as NiceNet ( ).

Feedback on the exercises from the lessons will be offered once a weekstarting Tuesday, February 24 at 6:00 pm.m (SLT). Additional feedbacksessions, designed to reach the European community, will begin on Wednesday, March 4 at noon (SLT). The feedback sessions will be led by Jenaia Moraneand Judi Newall (a writer and librarian) and held at the Story Hut on KarunaIsland<>.

*To Get Your Free Class*: Visit the Story Hut on Karuna Island ( ) and click on the buttons onthe "Classes" board (the one with the seagull sitting on it). You have theoption of getting the class as either notecards or via the online classroom.

*Feedback Sessions*: Offered once a week starting Tuesday February 24 at6:00 pm (SLT) and Wednesday, March 4 at noon. The first session will coverthe exercises in Lesson 1 of the class, the second session (Tuesday, March3) will cover the exercise in Lesson 2 of the class and so on for sevenweeks. Once the first round is complete, we will begin again. Please tryto do the exercise BEFORE coming to the session.

Note: No previous writing experience is necessary.

Questions: Please IM Jenaia Morane or Judi Newall inworld, or send Jenaiaan email at:

We look forward to reading your stories!

-- Jenaia MoraneWriter, Educator, StorytellerFounder, The Virtual Worlds Story ProjectWeb: www.TVWSP.comBlog:
