[0:03] Roxley: what's the biggest difference of the rules between public figures and private figures
[0:03] Clarity: i agree with catecha
[0:03] Roxley: the libel rules i mean
[0:03] Shinn: hint?
[0:03] Maven: in which chapter ??
[0:03] Byron: where the one has thrust himself into the public issue or not
[0:03] Byron: whether
[0:03] Roxley: the last chapter
[0:04] Byron: is it?
[0:04] Rewell: 13?
[0:04] Galaxy: which chapter is the last one?
[0:04] Broono: 13?
[0:04] Rewell: the last chapter is 13?
[0:04] Roxley: sorry
[0:04] Roxley: i mean chapter 5
[0:05] Rewell: can you repeat the question again?
[0:05] Byron: is my answer right?
[0:05] Dezno: if a public figure would like to accuse u, he/she should poseess much more evidence to convince the judge
[0:05] Rewell: must have the clear evidence
[0:05] Rewell: and convincing
[0:05] Rewell: convincing and clear evidence
[0:05] Roxley: what's the biggest difference of the libel rules between public figures and private figures
[0:06] Roxley: sharon u misunderstood my question sorry
[0:06] Dezno: am i roght?
[0:06] Byron: the private one did not assume any role of special prominentce in the affairs of society
[0:06] Roxley: amandast canu be more specific?
[0:07] Rewell: if the plaintiff is a public figure he should bear the higher burden?
[0:07] Roxley: yes u r all right
[0:07] Broono: YES
[0:08] Rewell: oh i get it
[0:08] Roxley: but there is a specific answer
[0:08] Roxley: on the part of summary of first amendment
[0:08] Roxley: a public figure bears a bigger burden but what's that?
[0:09] Roxley: what exact is it?
[0:09] Juliesse is Offline
[0:09] Dezno: well.....proof
[0:09] Inaka: 案右賤
[0:09] Rewell: in making out his claim
[0:09] Roxley: proof of what
[0:09] Dezno: malice
[0:09] Rewell: his claim of label?
[0:09] Rewell: libel?
[0:10] Roxley: ya malic
[0:10] Rewell: oh
[0:10] Roxley: actual malice
[0:10] Dezno: >////////////////<
[0:10] Yuhara: great
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