M Linden’s Interview with the BBC
What happened to Second Life?
By Lauren Hansen
BBC News Magazine
11:22 GMT, Friday, 20 November 2009
...By the end of 2007 Second Life had secured more than 600 mentions in UK newspapers and magazines, according to the media database Lexis Nexis.
IBM bought property in 2006, American Apparel opened a shop the same summer, Reuters installed avatar journalist Adam Pasick....
...American Apparel closed its shop just one year after opening. Reuters pulled its correspondent in October 2008....
So, what happened?
...Some businesses and users found it wasn't quite for them. The technology wasn't easily grasped and some computers couldn't handle it.
...And there is a fundamental question about whether Second Life is a game or a social networking site.
Interesting User comments:
Pam UK:
It's the ultimate sandbox to build whatever you can imagine.
HeadBurro Antfarm:
I attribute my happiness there to four simple rules I follow, three DON'Ts and one DO.
Darren Wall:
Another of SL's weaknesses is that events happen in real time. Social networks such as Facebook and MySpace would not work so well if you could only communicate with your friends when you're both online.
Rob Lang, Reading:
the idea of the Net in Second Life's form was from William Gibson in the 80s, not Stephenson in the 90s.
Duane Raymond, London, UK:
It appeals to people who wish to escape reality - so anyone trying to replicate reality find there was no business case.
Rickson Barbosa:
Were it not for finding good company in the trivia game community, I would never have stayed that long.
Richard E, Cambridge UK:
Today, Second Life seems healthily on what Gartner called the Slope of Enlightenment, on the way to the Plateau of Productivity....As far as teaching environments are concerned, look at the Frideswide region where the University of Oxford's WWI Poetry Digital Archive has established a stunning presentation of aspects of their collection in a simulated Western Front.
RC Robjohn, London:
I have SL friends who I regularly chat with and they range from university professors to gardeners and from teachers to artists.
Kitty O'Toole, UK:
The problem is it faced a lot of negative press, which detracted from the actual user experience.
What happened to Second Life?
By Lauren Hansen
BBC News Magazine
11:22 GMT, Friday, 20 November 2009
...By the end of 2007 Second Life had secured more than 600 mentions in UK newspapers and magazines, according to the media database Lexis Nexis.
IBM bought property in 2006, American Apparel opened a shop the same summer, Reuters installed avatar journalist Adam Pasick....
...American Apparel closed its shop just one year after opening. Reuters pulled its correspondent in October 2008....
So, what happened?
...Some businesses and users found it wasn't quite for them. The technology wasn't easily grasped and some computers couldn't handle it.
...And there is a fundamental question about whether Second Life is a game or a social networking site.
Interesting User comments:
Pam UK:
It's the ultimate sandbox to build whatever you can imagine.
HeadBurro Antfarm:
I attribute my happiness there to four simple rules I follow, three DON'Ts and one DO.
Darren Wall:
Another of SL's weaknesses is that events happen in real time. Social networks such as Facebook and MySpace would not work so well if you could only communicate with your friends when you're both online.
Rob Lang, Reading:
the idea of the Net in Second Life's form was from William Gibson in the 80s, not Stephenson in the 90s.
Duane Raymond, London, UK:
It appeals to people who wish to escape reality - so anyone trying to replicate reality find there was no business case.
Rickson Barbosa:
Were it not for finding good company in the trivia game community, I would never have stayed that long.
Richard E, Cambridge UK:
Today, Second Life seems healthily on what Gartner called the Slope of Enlightenment, on the way to the Plateau of Productivity....As far as teaching environments are concerned, look at the Frideswide region where the University of Oxford's WWI Poetry Digital Archive has established a stunning presentation of aspects of their collection in a simulated Western Front.
RC Robjohn, London:
I have SL friends who I regularly chat with and they range from university professors to gardeners and from teachers to artists.
Kitty O'Toole, UK:
The problem is it faced a lot of negative press, which detracted from the actual user experience.
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