Topic: Gender, Identity and language in Teen blogs
Ocean & CharlotteThis essay is discussed about the online identity construction, how teenagers use blogs to present and express themselves. They examined the disclosure of personal information, the use of emotive feature to express feeling & though and the use of language in the blogs to express sexual identity. They discovered that weblogs provide a place for teenagers to present online identity, and express ideas, experiences, and feelings. Male and female users are more alike than different. Male use more emoticons than women. Moreover, female users don’t use polite, passive language as in the earlier studies. They are less traditional in their gender roles than the general population.

Ocean & CharlotteThis essay is discussed about the online identity construction, how teenagers use blogs to present and express themselves. They examined the disclosure of personal information, the use of emotive feature to express feeling & though and the use of language in the blogs to express sexual identity. They discovered that weblogs provide a place for teenagers to present online identity, and express ideas, experiences, and feelings. Male and female users are more alike than different. Male use more emoticons than women. Moreover, female users don’t use polite, passive language as in the earlier studies. They are less traditional in their gender roles than the general population.
Discussion Questions:
(1)Do you agree/ disagree with the point in this essay?
(2)Share your experience of using weblogs. Does it echo or contrast with the five categories mentioned in the essay?Responses:
Group1: According to G1, when it comes to point A, female bloggers would not easily reveal too much of personal information while it would be OK to post some basic introduction to themselves, such as names, ages, etc. As to point B, they feel that female bloggers would sometimes use rude words to show their personality as opposed to actually being rude on their blogs. Finally, what they think about with point C is the fact that nowadays, many female bloggers are willing to use a great deal of sexual appeal to draw in legions of visitors to their blogs. Therefore, yes, the language expressing sexual identity is quite bold today.
Group3: They almost agree with the argument. One of the group3’s members shared that: Sometimes the internet is hard to tell the reality. One of her classmates is a quiet and shy girl in the reality. However, she would type something very strong and aggressive language in her blog. That is a contradiction example in her experience.
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