
bumbler 余光中上課
就像是大智若愚、大巧若拙和愚公移山, 拙政園
余光中解讀bumbler 給馬溫暖

Ma the bumbler A former heart-throb loses his shine The Economist Nov 17th 2012
Five years on, and despite being handily re-elected ten months ago, much has changed. In particular, popular satisfaction with Mr Ma has plummeted, to a record low of 13%, according to the TVBS Poll Centre. The country appears to agree on one thing: Mr Ma is an ineffectual bumbler.

Taiwan unlikely to list English as official language: premier CNA 2012/11/06 20:14:00
In response to a suggestion made by opposition Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Chiu Chih-wei that listing English as an official language could improve English proficiency nationwide, Chen said that at the current stage, Taiwan is unlikely to make any such decision. Mandarin Chinese is currently the country's only official language. An official language requires each citizen to be able to use the language, which Chen noted is unlikely.

Taiwan lags in English skills in Asia, report says  Taipei Times Tue, Nov 06, 2012 - Page 4
 Taiwan ranked ninth in Asia and 30th in the world, and its global ranking was within the 26th-to-38th range that represents low proficiency, the company’s English Proficiency Index showed. Singapore, Malaysia, India and Pakistan — countries where English is an official language — led Asian countries in the rankings, followed by South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and Indonesia. Globally, European countries, led by Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Finland and Norway, topped the list.
