Interviews & Surveys

Interviews and surveys put yourself away from self obsession and in charge of your material. How do we experience the power of words and organize them in logical sequence?

 1. Interviews. Interviews involve the role-playing situation of interviewer versus interviewee. Listen to not only the exact words from the person telling a story, but also how they are spoken. You need to describe the setting(s) and interviewees (e.g., age, appearance, sex, occupation) in writing and/or through photos. You can also use attributions and direct quotes to reflect their reactions and emotions to the questions. The attribution should be used as you would use them in conversation. The attribute is either placed at the end or buried in the middle--i.e., inside the direct quotation. In addition to said, other verbs are used for attribution, such as added, continued, replied, answered, asked, commented, explained, remarked, suggested, reported, repeated, concluded, asserted, averred, declared, stated, exclaimed, commanded, shouted, screamed, and cried .

2. Surveys. A survey involves a larger amount of facts or opinions with a pool of sources, numbers and results. Be specific about what (e.g., issues, topics, applications, and sample size), who (responders, target audiences, selected population, specific political, civic, or professional groups), when (the survey delivery time and length), where (national or regional polls), why (administrative, commercial, or scientific purposes) and how (face-to-face, online, or telephone). Questions may be open-ended or closed, such as do you approve/favor...?, including rating on a scale or ranking of various alternatives. The results should be presented in  anonymous summaries, such as statistical tables, graphics, and charts.
How to write a good survey
10 Common Mistakes Made When Writing Surveys
