B., Ruedenberg-Wright, L. and Rosenbaum-Tamari, Y. (1997). Hmmm ...
Where’s that smoke coming from? Writing, play and performance on
Internet relay chat. Journal of Computer-
Mediated Communication, 2(4).
This paper is a study of writing, play and
performance on IRC; written interaction on IRC is a veritable “forest of
symbols”. With typographic symbols, users create emoticons to show their mood
through the text. Digital play shares with RL play many important
characteristics: it is voluntary, intensely absorbing, done for its own sake,
and more or less rule-governed. But due to its free for strict rules,
playfulness in CMC can easily be viewed as threatening to the social order; in
another word, it has virtual freedom in virtual reality. CMC gives us a stage
to perform, and it also gives us a mask of identity and gender, we can find
these characteristics on IRC. Based on this essay, there are five frames of
IRC, one includes another, and sixteen categories of play. For IRC, it is
grouped under agon(compete) and mimicry(imitate). The chat took on
IRC,<sssssssssssssss Hmmm where’s all that smoke come from? +weed >, can
support the theory: participants compete to show what they can do via keyboards
and imitate the situation of smoking the marijuana.
![]() |
figure1. how typographic symbols workwww.lovegod123.com |
Group Discussion: There was a trend of 火星文 years ago, 火星文is also a
combination of words and symbols. It was a controversial issue of weather it
hurt the users’ ability of words. You
think it’s a improvement or a regression of word skills to use typographic
symbols to communicate?
Response: Generally, every group has the same
opinion: the use of surfeit typographic symbols would more or less impact the
original writing and linguistic method. The reason of use them is to show
users’ humor; they seek for fun and playfulness in the Internet and it’s
acceptable. However, when it comes to learning and writing, it may do negative
2.The Internet at Play: Child Users of Public
Internet Connections
It is believed that the dominant approach of public Internet is to seek
and deliver information. However, a study is made to find out what children in
EDC at the Main Library in San Francisco, really do in public Internet
access.The most common applications used by children weregaming and chat, but
activities that were not labeled as games were transformed into games. For
examples, reading Web pages turns out to free-associate search terms ormaking
easy tasks difficult to complete is producing unusuability like sharing a
keyboard. Other activities are Identity Play, Collaborative Play and Masking learning.
Especially, Masking Learning is also a play, which refers to a period of time
as a lie to cover the fact that children play in public Internet.
Group Discussion :Do you agree or disagree that playing in public
All groups disagree on account of privacy problem. Because playing on
public computers makes loud noise, which may disturb people around
3. Creative
Uses of Writing Systems
In online context, Stylized Taiwanese, Stylized Taiwanese-accented
Mandarin and Stylized English exploit the characteristics of Chinese characters
and thus are compatible with the indexical values associated with the Chinese
writing system.
However, Zhuyin Wen represents a lack of either the ability or the
willingness to master the use of Chinese characters.
} Mandarin
Chinese, Taiwanese, English, and Taiwanese-accented Mandarin all appear
in this video.
Group Discussion: Do you agree with the popularity of Zhuyin Wen and will
you continue to use it or abandon it?
G1: We will continue to use Zhuyin Wen because it is funny.
G3: No, we will not continue to use Zhuyin Wen given that it gets harder
to understand the meanings.
G4: We agree with the popularity of Zhuyin Wen and we will continue using
it because it creates fun.
G5: We agree with the popularity of Zhuyin Wen but we won’t continue using
it because it is hard to understand the meanings.
4.Effects of duration and laughter on subjective happiness within different modes of communication
The research explored how the duration of interaction and the form of laughter influenced happiness in communication modes. It predicted that both “real” and “symbolic” laughter would mediate happiness levels. The research also mentioned that the disadvantages and advantages between FTF and CMC. For examples: FTF is associated with more positive social experiences than CMC, which is more probably lead to greater self-disclosure. The article finally concluded with the opinion that future research should target the lack of “emotional embodiment” in CMC. And the longer the duration of the interaction, the more “positive” affect there should be.
figure2. BOTH “real” and “symbolic” laughter CAN lead to the happiness. |
Group Discussion: Do you like people use symbolic pictures to express their
feelings as the feedbacks or the greetings at the beginning of the
conversation? Why or why not?
G1: He likes
symbolic pictures. Sometime a picture can create the friendly feelings.
G3: Putting a
smile in the conversation saves time and can also explain our feelings clearly.
G4: No, because
somehow it seems that the chatter just wants to pretend his focus, maybe he/she
doesn’t want to chat with you may also be a possible event.
G5: They think
too many pictures will make others feel annoyed.
figure 2 source:
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