Trend or Taboo?! Stoires behind Tattoos


Outline: Our project is to explore the unique aspects of the tattoos and the effect that mainstream culture has on them. First, we interview people from mainstream culture and ask them of their opinion on tattoos. Next, we interview people who have tattoos about the reason why they got their tattoo, what stories or meaning the tattoos have, and whether or not they have encountered difficulties with their employers over their tattoos.




Firstly, we ask Martina and Tricia to share stroies about their tattoos from experience, meaning, etc.
Secondly, we prepare some questions from three aspects, namely, career, interpersonal relationship and family to see how social morality influences tattooed people. Everyone is required to give some opinions on tattoos.



Tattoo is not popular in Asian countries; however, it’s a ubiquitous phenomenon in western society. Tattooed individuals are highly unlikely to be hired in Asia since the employers usually set strict rules on tattoos. In Asian culture, tattoo is considered to be impolite if you display it to customers in workplace. Some positions like civil servants are not allowed to have tattoos on any parts of their bodies. Besides, Asian parents aren’t willing to see their children have tattoos. Some of them even consider it as a forbidden zone.
On the contrary, westerners regard tattoo as a personal choice. Employers tend not to care a lot about whether their employees have tattoos or not. Any form of tattoos is allowed except face tattoos. If someone gets face tattoos, he or she may have to face the situation of putting off opportunities.
