Is it just a game or a metaphor of culture divides?

Shamed French squad faces humiliating return
by Dave Clark
June 23rd, 2010

PARIS (AFP) - France's shamed World Cup squad faced the wrath of President Nicolas Sarkozy, the press and a furious public on Wednesday after a disastrous exit from the tournament in South Africa.

The players were due to fly back to a humiliated country that has largely written them off as spoiled millionaires led by an incompetent coach and unworthy of the blue jersey worn by the 1998 world champions.

France's World Cup soccer woes rock French society
The meltdown of France's World Cup team - both on and off the pitch - have shaken all walks of French society. The team has become a metaphor for everything seen as wrong in France today – politics, race, wealth, and too much individualism.

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